Thursday, November 28, 2019

Home rehab day at tymco free essay sample

A free lancer Maria Cortez was working as a free lance writer and then later on she finally opened her own company which she named Tymco. It has grown steadily and it provides training and development, foreign language interpreting and translation and they also offer technical manuals. The company has 75 employees and 45 free lancers. Cortez worries about the employees’ teamwork because she believes that it is essential to improve the effectiveness of her company. She tried to arrange dinner for building team spirit but it does not work out. She and Atkins agreed to have a teamwork building and that’s where Tymco Rehab occurred. 1.What evidence was presented in this case that the staff members from different units at Tymco might have become better acquainted? -During the rehabilitation, each and every one share ideas and take responsible for what they are expert on. They believe and trust on each other’s capabilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Home rehab day at tymco or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They also showed their care for each other and help one another on the tasks that they can do. 2.What should Maria do next to improve the chances that the home rehab day results in genuine team development? 3.What evidence is presented in this case that the home rehab day did give a boost to team spirit? -It established the trust by encouraging open communication, facilitating and supporting the team’s decision. 4.How valid is Ian’s comment about replacing shingles having no particular impact on becoming a better team player?

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